Pascale Brants
Senior Consultant
“Try not to become a success, but rather try to become a person of value.” – Albert Einstein
Trusted search & assessment advisor with more than 30 years of experience in Project & Sales (International) Management and since 2014 in Search & Selection, Project Management, and Procurement.
Today, she applies her extensive knowledge to select the most suitable candidates for organisations in both private and public sectors through comprehensive and quality search processes. Pascale loves new challenges and finds them at VALPEO mainly in the field of headhunting, selection and assessments. With a solid background in Sales, Management and HR, she looks for the most suitable candidates in a targeted and effective way. She is also active in the field of procurement & project management.
At the non-profit organisation DUO for a JOB, she uses her professional experience to guide young people with a migration background in their job search.
Pascale is experienced in Executive Search, Assessment & Development, Procurement and Project management, both in the private & public sector.
She’s fluent in English, Dutch and knows her way around French projects.