Are you hoping to find some time for an enjoyable book this end of year? Or are you looking for a great gift idea? If so, you could probably use some well-thought-out tips. In December, Valpeo’s partners will share their tips for a top read this holiday season. This week: discover a favorite of Fabiaan Van Vrekhem.

In my opinion, Rebuild by Graham Boyd and Jack Reardon is a must read because it is one of the great books of our time. The book analyses the climate crisis, 17 sustainable development goals, and how the personal challenges we are facing cannot be solved if we simply try harder. Just as Picasso and Einstein realised a century ago,when problems are insoluble, it is because the way we are looking at the world is the problem. Rebuild is a DIY toolkit for you to go regenerative, or net positive, because you can solve wicked challenges, from your personal challenges through to our global ones (which are, by the way, connected).

What is the key message of Rebuild ?

That more than anything else today, we need to reinvent everything. If we are to address the climate crisis, the 17 sustainable development goals, and all the other injustices we are facing, we especially need to reinvent the paradigm of business, reinvent our business structures, and hence reinvent the economy itself.

Who should read this book?

The people who should read it and why:

  • Anyone who sees that trying harder is no longer enough to address our challenges
  • Those who recognise that it is imperative to act now
  • Those who want to know how to become the kind of person that does that
  • Anyone who wants to transform their current company to regenerative, net positive for everything and everyone it touches
  • Individuals who want to create a world they, and everyone they care about, can thrive in
  • Anyone who demands grounded reasons to hope that it is still possible
  • Someone who thinks: “If it is to be, it’s up to me”

About Fabiaan Van Vrekhem

Fabiaan Van Vrekhem is Executive Chairman of VALPEO. He has accumulated a wide range of experience in all areas of organisational development and leadership strategy.

Rebuild by Graham Boyd and Jack Reardon

Rebuild: the Economy, Leadership, and You • Graham Boyd & Jack Reardon • Evolutesix Books • ISBN: 1913629015