Onze nieuwste artikels
Laat je inspireren door onze artikelen over leiderschap, de menselijke natuur en hoe we mensen en organisaties helpen om hun volledige potentieel te ontplooien.
In today's dynamic workplace, effective managers must embrace coaching to unlock their team's potential. Coaching leadership emphasises dialogue, trust, and fostering an environment where employees can find their own solutions.
Experience alone isn’t enough to lead in today’s complex world. Learn why complexity orientation, emotional maturity, and motivation are vital for leadership success.
At VALPEO, we love exploring what sparks decisions, resilience, and growth—inspiration often sneaks up in unexpected ways. As the holidays approach, we’re excited to share our team’s favorite books, songs, shows, and podcasts to inspire, uplift, or offer a well-deserved escape.
Move beyond competencies to capabilities. Learn how unlocking potential and focusing on adaptability and growth secures long-term organisational success.
Learn how a cyberattack reshaped leadership and resilience, highlighting the human and operational impact, recovery strategies, and the importance of prevention.
Restructuring for the future requires a paradigm shift. Discover how purpose-driven, agile, and culturally aligned strategies drive sustainable success in today’s dynamic world.
Ronald de Zoete joins VALPEO as the new Partner in the Netherlands, enhancing their executive interim management practice.
By shifting from reactive to proactive mental processes, leaders can navigate complex challenges and set new strategic directions. Selecting the right mentor is essential for unlocking advanced cognitive capabilities and staying ahead in the rapidly evolving business landscape.
As remote work becomes the norm, organisations must shift from proximity-based management to a capability-driven approach. By fostering a growth mindset, setting clear expectations, and encouraging open communication, leaders can effectively engage and develop their remote workforce.
The complexity of CEO selection lies in the diverse perspectives of board members, each influenced by their own experiences and values. To streamline this process, it's essential to understand the organisation's current and future stages of value creation. Employing strategies like open dialogue, data-driven assessments, and external expertise can bridge gaps and align on organisational needs for effective decision-making.
In the face of a deepening talent crisis, organisations must shift from traditional hiring metrics to a capabilities-focused approach. Emphasizing potential and adaptability over prescriptive experience is crucial for effective talent management. Investing in development, fostering flexibility, and encouraging innovation are key strategies to attract and retain top talent.
Recent statistics in Belgium reveal that 1 in 8 employees are considering leaving their current employers, signalling a need for organisations to reassess employee engagement. Embracing a value system that sees employees as value creators can lead to increased innovation, commitment, and organisational success.
In het landschap van vandaag, dat razendsnel verandert, gaat leiderschap verder dan het traditionele streven naar winst. Het gaat om het sturen door woelige wateren richting een duurzame toekomst. De brandende vraag die iedereen zich stelt is: "Welke vorm van leiderschap kan een blijvende weg naar duurzaamheid banen?"
In the digital era, artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping the strategic landscape of businesses across industries. As AI technologies become increasingly integral to organisational operations, the role of the Chief Information and Digital Officer (CIDO) has never been more critical.
In een wereld waar disruptie en verandering dagelijkse kost zijn, onderzoekt dit artikel de cruciale balans tussen leiderschap, strategie en management voor organisatorisch succes. Ontdek hoe deze elementen samenwerken om niet alleen te overleven maar ook te floreren in onzekere tijden.
Het belangrijkste inzicht is dat traditionele methoden van werving en selectie beperkt zijn in een snel veranderende wereld. Door te kijken naar de persoonlijke dynamiek en potentieel van kandidaten, kunnen organisaties waardecreatie op lange termijn bevorderen en zich beter voorbereiden op disruptie.
Het belangrijkste inzicht van het artikel is dat de effectiviteit van CEO's en hun top teams afhangt van samenwerking, begrip van gedrag en cognitieve diversiteit. Door deze aspecten te omarmen, kunnen teams synergie creëren en leiden tot innovatieve oplossingen en kwalitatieve besluitvorming.
In een wereld die constant verandert, staat het leiderschap voor de uitdaging om organisaties toekomstbestendig te maken. Dit artikel belicht hoe VALPEO's Transformative Value Framework CEO's helpt bij het navigeren door de complexiteit van business, teamdynamiek, cultuurontwikkeling en stakeholdermanagement, en zo een duurzame en wendbare toekomst creëert.
Since the turn of the century, corporate governance has undergone significant transformations. After the Enron scandal, among others, new requirements were imposed in terms of reporting and internal control with increased responsibility for directors.
Adopt a broad perspective with vertical development and benefit from Citi's organisational restructuring strategy.
Explore how leadership assessment in private equity using Complexity Orientation improves decision-making, aligns talent, and drives superior ROI.
Sustainability requires visionary, adaptable leaders who balance financial success with ethical responsibility and environmental stewardship.
Vertical development expands awareness, improves decision-making, and fosters growth to help organisations thrive in a dynamic world.
What role do development, training, and lifelong learning play in today’s talent policy? Three HR experts share insights, emphasizing stronger collaboration between education and business.
Discover how VALPEO’s methodology helps doctoral students navigate career choices by aligning personal values, complexity orientation, and organisational goals for meaningful careers.
Many organisations do a succession planning review around this time of year. Without understanding the context and how an organisation relates to it, such an exercise is pointless.
Our Iceberg Is Melting’ by John Kotter and Holger Rathgeber is a must-read fable on teamwork and navigating change, with 8 actionable steps to adapt and thrive under any conditions.
Discover "Emotional Agility" by Susan David, a must-read to help you embrace change, align actions with values, and thrive.
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Joe Dispenza, a guide to breaking bad habits and creating positive change through mindfulness.
Discover how experience influences leadership in a VUCA world, from anticipating trends to understanding societal shifts like AI and sustainability.
Nowadays, Net Zero is a hot topic that keeps corporations busy. But why does it matter so much in terms of corporate governance?
Toxic leaders exemplify the dangers of destructive behavior and dysfunctional traits. Their actions undermine society, followers, and organisations.
Explore how personal values and burnout prevention are linked, and discover strategies to align values for a healthier work-life balance.
Purpose and complexity are reshaping executive search, focusing on leadership, value alignment, and future-ready strategies.
Learn how training, cultural fit, and value alignment are key to successful recruitment and building strong teams.
Discover why CEOs can only succeed when their ambition, values, and perspective align with the organisation's context, culture, and evolving societal demands.
Companies can find the ultimate CEO by focusing on complexity management, cultural fit, and strategic priorities in today’s dynamic environment.
Learn how to align corporate culture with diverse values and thinking and why embracing cultural diversity and unifying leadership drives organisational success.
Rebuild—a guide to reinventing business and the economy for a sustainable and regenerative future.
Explore Viktor Frankl’s Man's Search for Meaning, a profound guide to finding purpose through resilience, self-transcendence, and embracing life’s challenges.
Discover how employment contracts are evolving into partnerships with a focus on cultural fit and shared purpose.
Transition management aligns leadership with complexity, ensuring effective strategies, organisational fit, and long-lasting results in dynamic contexts.
Empowerment in organisations succeeds when aligned with employee motives, clear context, and leadership that supports autonomy and engagement.
Context is the key to a leader’s success. Discover how VALPEO’s evidence-based leadership assessments align leaders with the right context to maximise impact and drive organisational growth.
Redefining leadership search by focusing on context, personal dynamics, and authentic alignment for lasting success.
Learn how to prepare for an executive leadership assessment and match leadership potential with the right context.
By looking for a CEO's story, we can link him or her to a context within which he or she can create added value for a company.
We are on a mission to unite the best of consultants, science and technology to inspire and support people and organisations and help them to add value, and unfold their authenticity and full potential.
“If social meaning receives too little attention within your company, then even the most innovative technology has an expiration date.”
Learn why managing transformations is the new reality and how businesses can thrive by empowering people, embracing inclusivity, and driving growth.
Unlock the path to empowerment by aligning autonomy, authenticity, and value. Explore leadership strategies to inspire growth and unlock full potential.